Life can be overwhelming at times and if we are in constant go-go-go mode, we rarely stop and take care of ourselves at all levels.

You’ve heard the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” meaning you can’t serve others if you’re depleted.

Are you nodding your head & saying "omg yes, that’s so true, that's exactly how I feel!"?  Society has fooled us into thinking that self & soul care is selfish & that couldn't be further from the truth. You must take of yourself, your needs & a mix of your wants so that you stay  connected to the core of who you are & your higher power. It's only then that you can pour wholeheartedly, energetically & willingly into others.

If you feel the same, but aren't sure where to begin, then I created this guide just for you! Enjoy!

Course Curriculum

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    Soul Care Routines Guide [Download]

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About the instructor

Yoga Teacher + Empowerment Coach

Amy Meyer

I have been creative soul & an entrepreneur with a free spirit since I was little, from creating rock jewelry, writing books, & running lemonade getting a communications/public relations B.A. degree, working in PR, marketing, sales, advertising, graphic design...owning a photography business…& for the last four years, I have been a lifestyle transformation & mindset coach. Throughout my mental, physical, emotional & spiritual transformation, I learned that everything begins with our core beliefs & values & if those get out of alignment, the flow comes to a halt. It is my mission to take you from pure soul exhaustion, overwhelm & frustration to help you dig deep, discover how to bust through the self-limiting beliefs, ignite your soul truth & get YOU back so you can allow your soul to SHINE into every aspect of your life!

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